My Own Path

My Own Path

Kamis, 19 November 2015

Artinya pahit

Pahit kadang sepintas menusuk, menghujam dan mematikan rasa..rona bahagia direnggutnya dengan paksa..hilang, marah, gundah, kalut semua tak luput dari dekapannya..pahit...tapi, cobalah lihat lebih jauh, lebih dalam, lebih legit pasti ada makna besar dalam kepahitan itu, iya dalam kepahitan..ada makna bahagia di sana..dan bilamana engkau dapati kepahitan itu, jangan menafikannya begitu saja...lihattt dan telusuri sebab Allah Swt mengetahui sedangn kita tidak

Rabu, 29 Januari 2014


when you have nothing to throw away your pain, just remain that your life isn't just about the sadness at all but see it deeply that there are so many reasons which make you smile widely without any burden in your thought..CHEER :D

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Minta Ampun pada TUHAN

Tak ingin kutumpahkan air mata ini
tak ingin ku tuangkan sedih ini
tak ingin kusembabkan lagi mata indah ini
tak ingin kurasakan jiwa yang berkecamuk seperti ini
maafkan aku yang selalu mengeluh atas kegalauan ini..
lapangkan jiwaku ya Allah atas apa yang sedang berlaku
besarkan hatiku menjalani hidup yang penuh batu kerikil ini
seimbangkan badanku biar tak terus oleng tujuanku
tuntun aku agar selalu berprasangka baik terhadap-Mu, ya Allah..
segarkan lagi jiwaku yang telah gersang ini ya Rabb
bersihkan hati ini yang telah lama hitam oleh titik-titik debu dosaku
tabahkan dan damaikan fikiran ini menerima apa yang sedang Engkau gariskan untukku; untuk masa depanku..
Maafkan aku,Tuhan..
maafkan aku yang terkadang tak bisa berdamai dengan rencanaMu..
maafkan aku
maafkan aku..

Bisikan Qalbu..

Mengingat kedua orang tua nun jauh di sana lebih menenangkan..aku bisa merasakan betapa dahsyatnya kasih sayang mereka dari aku membuka mata di pagi hari hingga terlelap lagi..Dear Ibu, ringankan beban pikiranmu, Bu agar sehat senantiasa ragamu..aku di sini selalu mendoakanmu, Bu seperti dirimu yang senantiasa membentangkan tanganmu dalam doamu dan bisik manis ungkapan batinmu ke hadapan Ilahi dalam setiap sujudmu..aku mencintaimu, Bu lebih dari apapun di dunia ini..And Dear Bapak, semoga bapak selalu sehat ya, pak..aku, anak gadismu selalu baik-baik saja di sini..semoga Allah memberikan limpahan rahmat-Nya dalam setiap tetesan keringatmu dalam mencari nafkah..Ya Allah, lidungi kedua orang tuaku ya Allah..aku sayang mereka..aku merindukan kebersamaan bersama mereka..semoga dalam hitungan bulan aku bisa menyelesaikan study ku sehingga lebih banyak lagi waktuku bersama mereka dan bisa meringankan sedikit beban yang mereka pikul selama ini..aamiin ya Allah..I LOVE MY PARENTS SO MUCH :*

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Sekedar Renungan tentang Arti Keikhlasan

Seringkali kita benci dengan adanya PEMBENCI di sekitar kita, tetapi sadarilah bahwasannya seorang pembenci itu juga menolong kita dalam * mengurangi dosa yg ada pada kita perlahan * membuat kita semakin bijak dan dewasa *ditambah kesabaran extra serta *perbesar jiwa memaafkan
So, be wise and be smart to the life
Aamiin :D

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Technology make dehumanizaztion ?

What I've got from the ICT class yesterday on 6th of March, 2013 about this topic that we can preview it from two aspects that would be the examples.
1. the bad effect of technology are
    1. technology replace the human (robotic)
    2. it teaches us to be liar and betray (copy paste from google without put the resources)
    3. the human relationship may be disappear because we always busy with our gadget rather than talk to   our friend or family.
2. the positive impact are
   1. technology exactly just a' tool'
   2. we can earn the money from internet (promote our products)
   3. the internet may help us to share our critical thinking so it can improve our human dignity by producing something that really useful for humanity

Minggu, 08 April 2012


You ever heard about metacognition? okay, let's read about this one!
In general, metacognition is thinking about thinking. More specifically, Taylor (1999) defines metacognition as “an appreciation of what one already knows, together with a correct apprehension of the learning task and what knowledge and skills it requires, combined with the agility to make correct inferences about how to apply one’s strategic knowledge to a particular situation, and to do so efficiently and reliably.”
The more students are aware of their thinking processes as they learn, the more they can control such matters as goals, dispositions, and attention. Self-awareness promotes self-regulation. If students are aware of how committed (or uncommitted) they are to reaching goals, of how strong (or weak) is their disposition to persist, and of how focused (or wandering) is their attention to a thinking or writing task, they can regulate their commitment, disposition, and attention (Marzano et al., 1988). For example, if students were aware of a lack of commitment to writing a long research assignment, noticed that they were procrastinating, and were aware that they were distracted by more appealing ways to spend their time, they could then take action to get started on the assignment. But until they are aware of their procrastination and take control by making a plan for doing the assignment, they will blissfully continue to neglect the assignment.
  . An essential component of metacognition is employing study strategies to reach a goal, self-assessing one’s effectiveness in reaching that goal, and then self-regulating in response to the self-assessment.
Too many subskills necessary to do a task. For example, some students might have not yet learned how to carry out all the steps in a complex nursing procedure.
 Not enough automatic, internalized subskills. For example, students in an argument and persuasion class might have to check their notes on how to analyze persuasive strategies because they have not internalized the procedure.
So,  Metacognitive awareness of their learning processes to watch the learning process, for example by using subject ICT, the lecturer can monitor their students wether they are active or not. Metacognition includes goal setting, monitoring, self-assessing, and regulating during thinking and writing processes; that is, when they’re studying and doing homework.It means by using computer or internet, the lecture and students can build their communication closley or in long distance. for more information you just browse on this

 Metacognition and Motivation Metacognition affects motivation because it affects attribution and self-efficacy. When students get results on tests and grades on assignments (especially unexpected results such as failures), they perform a mental causal search to explain to themselves why the results happened. When they achieve good results, students tend to attribute the result to two internal factors: their own ability and effort. When they fail, they might attribute the cause to these same internal factors or they might, in a self-protective rationalization, distance themselves from a sense of personal failure by blaming external causes, such as an overly difficult task, an instructor’s perverse testing habits, or bad luck. This tendency to attribute success to ability and effort promotes future success because it develops confidence in one’s ability to solve future unfamiliar and challenging tasks. The converse is also true. Attributing failure to a lack of ability reduces self-confidence and reduces the student’s summoning of intellectual and emotional abilities to the next challenging tasks; attribution theory also explains why such students will be unwilling to seek help from tutors and other support services: they believe it would not be worth their effort. In addition to blaming failure on external causes, underachievers often “self-handicap” themselves by deliberately putting little effort into an academic task; they thereby protect themselves from attributing their failure to a painful lack of ability by attributing their failure to lack of effort (Stage et al, 1998)